The Main menu

Main Menu (click on the area of your interest)
Main Menu


The Action menu

Action Menu (click on the area of your interest)
Action Menu

Invert Conversion (Ctrl+I)
Switch the selected units. And if you have checked "Swap Value by Invert Conversion" in Preferences then switch the conversion values, too.

Clear Input Field (Ctrl+Del)
Erases the "Quantity of Conversion" field.

Clear Conversion Memory
Clears the last-converted values and units from each category.

Create Conversion Table (Ctrl+T)
Displays the conversion tables dialog. You can design your custom conversion table there.

Manage Units and Categories (F4)
Displays the manage unit and categories dialog. You can set the order, hide or show units and categories there.

Displays the Preferences dialog. It contain all the settings of Unit Converter Pro.

Find (Ctrl+F)
Displays the Find dialog. In this dialog you can search out unit or category, which you need.

Export Database (Palm)
Allows to export current unit database.

Because the Palm version of Unit Converter Pro doesn't allow to add new units and categories this is the possibility how to add the units (categories). Easily add your unit (category) into the database of desktop version and then you can export it and install it in your Palm.
The unit database for Palm version of Unit Converter Pro consists of two files. To install new database into your Palm these two files have to be uploaded at the same time and the Unit Converter Pro for Palm must not be running. Otherwise the uploaded database will be overwritten by the default database.

Closes the Unit Converter Pro program.


The Edit menu

Edit Menu (click on the area of your interest)
Edit Menu

Cut (Ctrl+X)
Cuts the selected text to the windows clipboard.

Copy (Ctrl+C)
Copy the selected text to the windows clipboard.

Paste (Ctrl+V)
Pastes text from the windows clipboard into the "Quantity of Conversion" field.

Select all
Select all the text in a control that has focus.


The Record menu

Record Menu (click on the area of your interest)
Record Menu

Record (Ctrl+R)
Activate or deactivate the record function. If it is activated, the actual conversion will be added at the end of the record always when you press >enter<. It is faster and more comfortable than using the Add item button.

Add Item (Ctrl+A)
The actual conversion will be added at the end of the record.

Remove Last Item (Ctrl+M)
The last added conversion will be deleted from the record.

Delete All Items (Ctrl+D)
Delete all conversions from the record. The record will be empty.

Copy Conversion (F5)
The actual conversion will be inserted into the windows clipboard.

Copy All Conversions (Ctrl+L)
Convert the actual input value into every unit in actual category and copy results to the windows clipboard.

Copy Record (Ctrl+O)
The record will be inserted into the windows clipboard.

more about records..

The View menu

View Menu (click on the area of your interest)
View Menu

Displays the Custom Units dialog. In this dialog you can add, modify or remove the custom units.

Displays the Custom Categories dialog. In this dialog you can add, modify or remove the custom categories.

Displays the Registration dialog. If you find this program useful, please support the shareware software concept by registering! When you register, you will receive registration number. As soon as fill it in the box in this dialog, the registration screen will be disabled. More information about registration here.

Show All Results (F6)
If enabled, all conversion results will be displayed simultaneously in the Convert to unit field.

Show All Results

Show Hidden (F3)
Show or hide the hidden units and categories. To set attribute hidden see manage unit and categories dialog.

Minimize to Tray
If enabled, the application will be minimized to tray bar (the icon of application will be appeared next to clock).

Shows or hides Toolbar.

Shows or hides Recordbar.


The Help menu

Help Menu (click on the area of your interest)
Help Menu

Help Topics (F1)
Displays the help of Unit Converter Pro.

How to Register
More information about how to register.

Calculator (F12)
Launches the default Windows calculator or your favorite calculator program. It depend on your choice in Unit Converter Pro Preferences.

Metric Prefixes
Displays the Metric Prefixes (part of Unit Converter Pro Help).

Displays the About dialog. There are information about Unit Converter Pro and its version.